“God provides the wind, but man must raise the sails.” ―St. Augustine

Little Gems of Wisdom & Fun from Mary Lynn Ziemer
True happiness is always the winning strategy. It comes from deep within and takes you to the wonderful place of calm. But, in order to reach the goals you have set for yourself, you must combine this feeling of joy and calm with "Inspired Action."
What is "Inspired Action"? "Inspired action" is any action which gives you the experience of connecting with your Source of Infinite Power. It is of the most all-knowing intelligence. It is that power within you (by whatever name you choose to call it: Intuition, God, Universe, Life, Soul, Source Energy etc.). And when you tap into it, it will lead the way if you allow. You will know it is this source guiding you to take an action towards something, because of how it makes you feel: hopeful, peaceful, confident and energetic as you think about it. It gives you a happy and excited feeling! The more you act on this intuitive source, the more unbounded your success will be. This source of action will always lead you toward abundance, service, or even contribution in some way to the world. It is action that, simply stated, "feels good in your heart." It is fulfilling, successful, and satisfying, and it’s everything that feels like love, because it is love. And it is always the most effective and efficient action you can take!
How do you begin? I call it the "Three-Lane Highway to Success." You must: 1) Start from your heart every day (and every moment, for that matter.) When you feel love within you, you are able to think from your heart. Subsequently, you will have more positive, loving thoughts. It’s so much easier than monitoring your thoughts. And, you will more easily believe that your biggest dream is possible. Love is the key ingredient to feeling happy, and it always leads to knowing and calmness. 2) Feel the joy as you imagine having the thing you desire most in your life (even though you don’t have it yet, imagine that you do.) 3) Take inspired, fun, and focused action to get you started, by listening to your Infinite Source of Power within. Scientists say that when we send a rocket to the moon, it takes 80% of the fuel to lift it off the ground. It then requires only the remaining 20% to land and return to earth. This analogy can be applied to everything in our lives. Quantum Physics has shown us that nothing happens until something moves. In other words, we need to take action toward reaching our goals. If you want to take a road trip to another city, you have to first take the steps of putting the keys in the car and backing it out of the driveway to get you started, right? Yes, this sounds simplistic, but you get my point. It's taking those first few steps of action that will put your goals into motion and make them a reality. No matter what you want… more money, better health, more loving relationships, finding your purpose, or a new career that feeds your soul… everything starts with the goals that you set. Dream BIG, then get practical. The HOW will come to you as you take action every day.
Here are 4 initial steps to get you there: Step 1: Commit to a goal. The momentum begins with committing to a goal that is uniquely yours, one that you love. You’ll know it by how good it makes you feel as you think about it and imagine the outcome that you are striving for. (Remember, one of your priority goals should be 'achieving deep, authentic happiness.' This is the foundation to gaining success in every area of your life!)
Step 2: Believe that you can achieve it. No matter how big or small your dream is, you can achieve it IF you truly want it and WHEN you are patient. This requires feeling lots of love consistently for yourself (knowing you deserve it), and for everyone and everything as you go through your day. How? Just say to yourself throughout your day, everywhere you go, and to everyone and everything, “Thank you, I love you. I send you love from my heart.”
Step 3: Get inspired! Use the tools and resources available to help you get inspired and remain focused on your goals. Here's a great example of an action step you can take RIGHT NOW! Check out this free online summit featuring interviews with myself and 9 other TOP spiritual leaders talking about their unique secrets for creating a home environment that enables you to THRIVE! This is the perfect way to stay calm, inspired, focused, and ready to take action steps toward your goals that will create your "dream life".
Step 4: Take that first step of inspired, focused and fun action toward your goal. When you do this, you will feel a KNOWING within you that it is happening. This is when you are certain to see your goals come to fruition. Start by getting quiet with yourself. Go within through meditation or prayer (try out my free guided Heart Meditation) and say to yourself: "Thank you in advance for the wisdom I receive. I am guided with absolute clarity toward inspired action and I achieve my goal with ease." Now, listen and write down what thoughts come to you... and take action IMMEDIATELY! The first action you should take is to put your goal in writing. A Harvard study shows that you will be 1,000% more successful as it focuses your mind on your target consistently. Then, pick a mantra to repeat over and over in your mind throughout your day. For example, "I am so grateful that I have a thriving and wildly profitable business." Be sure to make the action you take fun, as there is always a way. FUN is a key ingredient to the winning strategy. Once you feel true happiness, you’ll see your dream as a real possibility for yourself. You will feel inspired to take the actions that you are thinking about. Your actions will naturally be consistent with your thoughts and words. In fact, you will not want to take any other action because of your laser focus on this new and joyful goal in your life. With assistance from that Infinite Source of Power within, you will appropriately find the most effective path to reaching that goal. And, most importantly, always remember to be grateful every step of the way! Have gratitude throughout your day for all of the successes you are beginning to see and feel. Then, see yourself receiving even more!
Have an absolutely magical day full of love, gratitude and fun, fun, FUN!
~Mary Lynn Ziemer
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If only we had learned this in school....
No matter where you are in your joyful journey, there is always room to grow...to fill your love tank to overflowing! In these educational video workshops, Mary Lynn Ziemer lets you in on a few secrets that successful people have been using for years. In her enlightening and entertaining presentations, she explains how to use a few simple tools that have been scientifically proven over and over to help you achieve everything you want in life. These are tools that were never taught in school, but have the power to significantly change your life! (Learn More...)

"Journey to Joy" Inspirational Audio
JoyBreak Audio Collections are a collection of inspirational, insightful, and powerful audio messages by Mary Lynn Ziemer, along with soothing music.

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