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Be a Cheerleader for YOU!

“Owning our story and loving ourselves through that process is the bravest thing we’ll ever do.” —Brené Brown

Little Gems of Wisdom & Fun from Mary Lynn Ziemer

In last week's Little Gems, we talked about "discovering your own magnificence.” Now that you've discovered all of the things about you that are magnificent, it's time to start cheering yourself on towards these things that really make you shine!

It is extremely important that we understand, as human beings, we work purely on emotions.  As Dr. Jill Bolte-Taylor, the Harvard trained neuro-anatomist says, “We are feeling beings who think.  And we have the higher cognitive ability as the most evolved form of life to always come back to the present moment.” This is our gift! In order for us to maintain wellbeing and have the life we truly want, we must understand the power of our emotions. We must understand this as we feel them in the only moment that matters, the present moment, where we create everything from!

So, how can you cheer yourself on to continuously feeling good and getting what you truly want? It begins with being in tune to how you are feeling. Then, trusting your feelings so that you can make the best decisions for yourself in the moment of the experience itself.

Only you know what is best for you. But, ultimately, it’s time for you to be your own cheerleader, every moment of every day.  Let me be specific.  What if you are in a situation that isn’t going as you had hoped? You clearly had a plan, and you made a decision, but you’re not getting the results you intended. So what do you do?

1. Give yourself a break!

First, before doing anything else, you need to give yourself a break. You need to feel good about you. You must know that no matter what, you are perfect, that your default setting is pure love. All you need to do is go back to your heart for guidance.

2. Listen to your heart.

Your heart will tell you what to do, if you are listening. Just ask and use the simple tool offered in last week’s blog post. You will always be guided to the best possible outcome when you are calm, and when you go to your heart for advice.

3. Know you are worthy.

You need to know that you are worthy of the perfect outcome to your plan. You need to let go of whatever you feel is getting in the way so that you can move forward.  Start focusing on being the best version of yourself that you can be NOW, so that you can move forward out of any situation you might want to change.  Remind yourself that you are special, brilliant and magnificent.  You have been created for greatness. Knowing our perfection means feeling in our heart that we are all created in the image and likeness of that great Source of Infinite Power. You have been created to live your truth in your own unique and wonderful way. As you make the necessary changes in yourself, feelings of love, confidence, and joy will take root.

4. Stay inspired!

A cheerleader looks for the good in any situation to keep the team and fans inspired and motivated. You must keep yourself on the path of good feelings to get what you want, so you begin to look for the little things that are a blessing. Look for things you can be grateful for in the situation, or just in your life in general. Little things, like the hugs you receive from a friend, the smile that comes to your face when your pet greets you at the door, camaraderie of your colleagues and friends, or a simple blue sky and sunshine.

Why is it so important to grasp onto what makes you feel good? 

Because the truth is that whatever happened is already done and finished.  Where you are right now is the starting point for your next experience. So, how you feel RIGHT NOW is sooo important. 

It is not where you are in the situation, but the mindset that you have, that is going to shape your outcome.  In all sports, cheerleaders help the team stay pumped up and moving forward.  YOU are in charge of your life. These are your feelings, and you can let go and change them in whatever way you want.  So, look for the things that have gone well with your plan, and focus on them to get you back on track. Play those little bits of progress over and over again in your mind so you begin to see the glass as on it’s way to fullness.

Be a cheerleader for YOU, and remember, you have the power to stay the course. You just have to acknowledge it and know it. Pat yourself on the back over and over again for even the smallest things. You will feel the calmness of your power and the clarity that comes with it.  This will allow you to see the perfect outcome that you truly desire.  Close your eyes and feel how good it feels to have what you want!  Now you are on your way to reaching your plan and creating the life of magic that you have envisioned.

Have an absolutely magical week full of love, gratitude, and fun, fun, FUN!

~Mary Lynn Ziemer

If this message inspired you, please forward it to a friend, colleague, client, or family member to brighten their day as well!

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