"Self-care is never a selfish act—it is simply good stewardship of the only gift I have, the gift I was put on earth to offer to others.”~ Parker Palmer

Little Gems of Wisdom & Fun from Mary Lynn Ziemer
We are taught at a very young age to love others. We are told often that we should love everyone, help others, and give often. We’ve learned to do this in many ways: we give of our time, our money, our resources, our skills, our talents and through random acts of kindness. This is all wonderful, very important, and a highly effective way to feel good and fill our personal love tank.
However, there is another way we can love others at a level that is even more powerful. There is something each and every one of us can do. It is very simple and most important. It is the act of loving ourselves first. The truth is, we can most positively and naturally impact everyone all around us by heaping big, healthy doses of love onto ourselves, and then onto others.
How does this work?
When you practice self-care and love yourself in the best sense of the word, everyone around you benefits because you are showing up as the best version of you. Everyone around you becomes an automatic recipient of your love. The more you love yourself, the more it flows out and touches others, uplifting them, allowing and inviting them to be their best selves as well.
When we feel deep and authentic love for ourselves, we look at everyone and everything in that same way… we see only amazing traits in others. We see only beauty in them. In other words, the more we love ourselves, the more we love others!
This kind of love is pure love. It has no conditions, no requirements, and no qualifications to be met. It is a very different kind of love than what we are used to. It is the most powerful form of love. Remember, we create everything in our lives by the way we feel. So, the more love we feel, the more amazing our lives become. When we feel this way, an abundance of health, fantastic relationships, money, and everything else begins to take shape. And just imagine how amazing you will feel as you get closer to the feeling of pure love.
So, how will you know when you’ve living from a place of pure love? You’ll love yourself, everyone, and everything simply because you and they exist!
Then know that the more you practice loving yourself, others, and everything around you, the more the life that you create will reflect what you feel inside. You will take your life to levels you’ve never experienced before.
Have an absolutely magical week full of love, gratitude and fun, fun, FUN!
~Mary Lynn Ziemer
If this message inspired you, please share this link with a friend, colleague, client, or family member to brighten their day as well!
Need help feeling more joy today? Contact Mary Lynn for an initial Coaching session!
If only we had learned this in school....
No matter where you are in your joyful journey, there is always room to grow...to fill your love tank to overflowing! In these educational video workshops, Mary Lynn Ziemer lets you in on a few secrets that successful people have been using for years. In her enlightening and entertaining presentations, she explains how to use a few simple tools that have been scientifically proven over and over to help you achieve everything you want in life. These are tools that were never taught in school, but have the power to significantly change your life! (Learn More...)

"Journey to Joy" Inspirational Audio
JoyBreak Audio Collections are a collection of inspirational, insightful, and powerful audio messages by Mary Lynn Ziemer, along with soothing music.
Guided Heart Meditation
Are you listening to your heart? You already HAVE all of the answers to the questions that you seek. All of the solutions are within you... you just need to learn how to access them. This amazing meditation will help you do exactly that.

Looking for a fun and engaging Keynote Speaker for your event?
Mary Lynn is available as a keynote speaker for community or corporate events of any size. Contact Mary Lynn with your event details or click this link to learn more.
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