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"First Time is a Charm!" - The Power of Words

Updated: Jan 20, 2021

“If you believe in the power of words, you can bring about physical changes in the universe.” H. Scott Momaday

Little Gems of Wisdom & Fun from Mary Lynn Ziemer

Words are more powerful than you can imagine! So, it is important that you choose your words wisely. I recently had a firsthand reminder of this in my life. In a few situations, both professionally and personally, I found that it was taking multiple attempts in order to complete the task at hand. For example, when attempting to schedule a photoshoot, we had to cancel twice for multiple reasons. Finally, on the third attempt, we had a successful photoshoot. Also, when working with a recording studio, we had issues in the first two attempts, but had a perfect recording on the third attempt. I would catch myself saying "third time is a charm!" on many occasions.

As my marketing representative and I were discussing the completion of the recording project, I heard myself say out loud “third time is a charm!” I said it with a smile on my face, happy to have the task completed. Then... it hit me! I was creating this pattern of doing something three times! It wasn’t the first time something took longer than I’d wanted it to take. Even though it seemed like just a fun, cliche saying, by repeating it out loud, this saying had almost become a mantra. I had gotten used to things taking longer than preferred, even though it wasn’t my preference. It had become a sort of mantra that was not serving me and it didn’t feel good. I have since changed my saying to, "First time is a charm!" And I now look forward to everything going smoothly and perfectly on the very first try. In fact, I have created a newfound trust and knowing within me that says "all goes well the first time around!” When I feel lots of love for the situation and all of the people involved, and I use words in alignment with those good feelings, I will get the outcome that I truly desire. This is just another example of how very POWERFUL our words are in creating our reality!

How does it work?

It’s profoundly simple. Words are a means for us to express and describe our experiences to others. And words always have emotion attached to them. As we've discussed, our feelings are constantly creating our lives. So, the words we use, especially when spoken repeatedly, deepen our feelings and ultimately become our experience. Our words amplify how we feel about the subject of the conversation.

Have you ever noticed that when there is a particular topic of conversation that you have been sharing with friends or family, the situation that you’ve been focusing on shows up again... sometimes multiple times?!

Why is that? The repetition of the words and situation you’ve been describing is taking root within your belief system, and the added attention and focus with all that emotion attached is causing the content of your belief to show up again.

Let me say it again. Words are EXTREMELY powerful! Every time we repeat a story of something that has happened to us, our feelings get stronger and stronger. And, after repeating something a few times, the feelings intensify considerably.

Use your words to uplift others and create what you want!

In our world today, as we all wish to feel more joy and calm, using inspiring and kind words as we speak to others can really make a difference. Use your words to uplift. Be kind, and express gratitude for everything and everyone. Attach yourself to love as you search for the examples and the silver linings to everything you are experiencing. As you do, you will see the power you hold to create more of what you want. What you create with your words and where you end up is always your choice.

When we speak from our loving heart, those feelings touch whomever you are speaking to. In return, your own love tank fills up. Now you are ready for miracles! The power of love fuels the creation of the topic you are focused on. It really is easy… it just takes practice! The rewards are mighty!

Here is the most important point to consider...

What kind of feelings are you making stronger? The stronger the feelings, the more power they have to create what it is that you are talking about. Now, ask yourself this question. Do you want to create more of the things that you are talking about? If yes, keep going. Keep talking about them. If you prefer another outcome, say nothing about the current reality that you are experiencing. This doesn’t mean you can’t ask for help when you’d like to have it. It’s all in how you frame it and speak to the situation at hand. Use the power of your emotions to get what you want by flipping the switch to a more joyful outcome, and more joyful words as you speak about it. Let go of the current reality and begin to focus on the solution that you’d like to create. Put in your mind what you would like to happen instead, and play that perfect scenario over and over again in your mind until you can feel how good it feels. When you can feel it, you will create it! Remember to stay in your heart to create the calm mindset. Ultimately, the miracle occurs in the stillness.

Try this simple step to make the most of the power of your words.

Take time to filter your thoughts before you speak them. Speak words that make you feel joyful and loving, especially around areas of your life that you want to improve. When my clients are healing themselves, they take note of every little improvement they see. They talk about these improvements, instead of the opposite. Soon, they see their health improve even more. It works the same way in every aspect of our lives, no matter what it is: relationships, health, money, happiness, business etc.

Remember to talk only about what you WANT, in wonderful ways, with wonderful words to everyone, and especially to yourself. It’s all about how words make you feel. It’s in the feelings that the power is transmitted. Be the conduit of joy for yourself, as well as for everyone else so they will remember how you made them feel.

Be grateful for everyone and everything. There is always a way! It just takes practice, persistence, and a little bit more self-love. When you do, you will make your good feelings stronger and create a calm mindset. Then, you will see more of what you truly want in the next experience that you conjure up for yourself.

Need some help finding calm and clarity? Don't forget to download this guided heart meditation that I have created for 2021 and am offering FREE for a limited time! It will help you get relaxed, go deep within yourself, feel more love than ever, and find clarity.


*If you previously had issues with the promo code, please try again using Promo Code: HEART11 (all caps, no spaces)

Have an absolutely magical day full of love, gratitude and fun, fun, FUN!

~Mary Lynn Ziemer

If this message inspired you, please share this link with a friend, colleague, client, or family member to brighten their day as well!

Need help feeling more joy today? Contact Mary Lynn for an initial Coaching session!


If only we had learned this in school....

No matter where you are in your joyful journey, there is always room to fill your love tank to overflowing! In these educational video workshops, Mary Lynn Ziemer lets you in on a few secrets that successful people have been using for years. In her enlightening and entertaining presentations, she explains how to use a few simple tools that have been scientifically proven over and over to help you achieve everything you want in life. These are tools that were never taught in school, but have the power to significantly change your life! (Learn More...)


"Journey to Joy" Inspirational Audio

JoyBreak Audio Collections are a collection of inspirational, insightful, and powerful audio messages by Mary Lynn Ziemer, along with soothing music.


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