“You are here to enable the purpose of the universe to unfold. That is how important you are!" ~ Eckhart Tolle

Little Gems of Wisdom & Fun from Mary Lynn Ziemer
The real you, your "authentic self," shines more brightly when you accept that you are magnificent. We all have qualities and gifts that create more joy for us and those around us. Own your uniqueness today, so you can uncover and shine your incredible light more brightly than ever before. When you recognize your own version of brilliance, your light is visible for the whole world to see and experience. You will also get more results than you ever thought possible. Why? Because how you feel creates your world. So, go for the feeling of magnificent, incredible, and powerful you! Then, you will begin to see a world around you that you absolutely love.
Your magnificence is fueled by joy, passion, laughter and love. Step into it now. Don’t wait. All of us are here to experience more joy and have more fun than we’ve ever felt before. First and foremost, it starts with feeling love and gratitude for the essence of who you are and what you already have. Know that you are a beautiful gift wrapped in a human body. When taken great care of every day, you then present your gift of love to others. Everywhere you go, you are the wonderful ripple effect of love, even when you’re unaware of this process. If you are happy and full of joy and love, you can’t help but spread it out all around you. That’s the true essence and nature of who we really are.
How can you do this in a way that allows you to create more of what you want for yourself and others?
Start by connecting every day to that power of love that you are. Your source of energy and magnificence is the Source of Infinite Power within you. It is continuously available to elevate and increase your energy consistently each day and whenever you need a boost. You can tap in to it simply by closing your eyes, putting your hand on your heart, focusing within, breathing deeply, and holding your intention to feel more love and have more joy than ever before.
Know the wonderful truth about you.
Recognize your special talents and unique gifts. Start by making a list of the things you feel passionate about, things that make you feel good. Notice topics that interest you or subjects that you find yourself frequently thinking about because they are fun to do. Things that really feel joyful, things that you do naturally, without even thinking about them. Then, remind yourself of the positive feedback you have received from others about these strengths. Take a few minutes to feel the truth about this information.
Know that you’re perfect.
Knowing our perfection means feeling in our heart that we are all created in the image and likeness of that great Source of Infinite Power, whatever name you personally give it. It means that everything about you is in perfect order and timing. It means that we are each perfectly on our path, despite what evidence you might think says differently. The truth about you and everyone else is all good news. Anything short of this is not worth an investment of your time. Start focusing on and being the best version of you that you can be NOW so that you can move forward out of whatever situation it is that you want to be different. NOW is the only place to begin to create a new, more joyful result and experience.
The more you know and love your perfection, the more you feel and experience the true purpose of your life…growth through the pure potential of creativity within you. A kind of growth that provides the freedom to be who you are meant to be. And then, you create more results that give you more joy and provide you with more fun than you’ve ever experienced before.
Be encouraging toward yourself.
Be positive about all of the things that you are doing, little and big, to move in a new direction. Encouragement is extremely important to our growth and success in life. Begin by noticing all of the small positive changes that you’ve made in your life and acknowledge them to create more of what you want. Express gratitude for them and for the person who has created them...you! Why? Because, we create everything in our lives by the way we feel. When we notice all of the little changes that we’ve made in our quest to create what we want, it makes us feel good. When we feel good, we create more of them. Pretty soon, those little things change into bigger things. Before you know it, you’ve reached your goal for a more joyful life in whatever way excites you. Now you have more money, more clients, better relationships, more passion about your life, improved health, etc.
Only you know how magnificent and incredible you are and what you are capable of doing. So, it all begins and ends with you loving you as you move forward on your journey of learning and growth. You must honor yourself by taking the time to reflect on who you are and what you want deep within your heart. Get ready, dive deep, and be kind to yourself all along the way as you uncover your greatness within. Once you do, you’ll shine your bright new light on everyone around you… and it really doesn’t get much better than that!
Have an absolutely magical week full of love, gratitude, and fun, fun, fun!
~Mary Lynn Ziemer
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Need help feeling more joy today? Contact me for a FREE initial Coaching session at (239) 444-3133. *First time clients only please
Looking for a fun and engaging keynote speaker for your event? I am happy to consider speaking at any size event. Please call me at (239) 444-3133, or email your event details to: MaryLynn@LivingAJoyfulLifeNow.com