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What Do You Expect?

“Positive expectations are the mark of the superior personality.” ~Brian Tracy, Maximum Achievement: Strategies and Skills that Will Unlock Your Hidden Powers to Succeed

Little Gems of Wisdom & Fun from Mary Lynn Ziemer

What do you expect? Do you wake up every day expecting the best? Do you go after it with a feeling of joy, knowing you have the ability to create exactly what you want? This is an understanding that you’re in charge of your life. This is a realization that whatever you are thinking about, and how you feel in that moment, is the key to creating it.

So, what does the mirror of your world reflect back to you right now? The most important point to remember is this. Regardless of your thoughts and feelings of the past, you can change how you think and feel in the moment you are experiencing it. You can change it to a new thought that serves you better, and create a new reality that you will enjoy so much more. In other words, that new reality is a reflection of those new thoughts and happier feelings. Remember, the past doesn’t exist, nor does the future, so all you need to concentrate on is what you want NOW.

So, stay in the present moment, right here and right now, and ask yourself what you want to create. What would you like the outcome of the situation you are thinking about to be? You are the one creating your life based on how you feel, so make it good. Expect only the best to happen. Go for the gold!

Here’s an example of something wonderful a client recently created for her parents and her siblings from afar. In her own words, it was "another miracle!"

My client’s parents recently moved to an assisted living facility. Having her parents well cared for, happy, safe, and in a place that they truly enjoyed, was her desire. This intention was at the top of her list.

Her parents were very unhappy there and wanted to leave, as expressed again just the week before. Her father didn’t want to give up his driver’s license, and with each conversation they said they wanted to go home.

This is the wonderful message I received via text from my client:

"Got this great news from my sister today. What a relief and joy for all of us. Here is the update on Dad and Mom. Dad is giving up his driver’s license and said we could sell the car. Plus, both Mom and Dad signed papers to sell the house and it’s already on the market. My sister said they were both in good spirits, and Mom even said she likes it here now! I used my new skills, and this is the outcome!"

What a perfect example of what we can create for others, as well as for ourselves.

What skills is my client referring to? I instructed her to write her new story and to be clear with a picture in her mind about what she wanted the outcome of this new situation to be. Then I asked her to feel lots of love for everyone and everything involved. That’s it! When we are clear about what our hearts’ desire and we feel a lot of love, we feel good, we have a calm mindset, and we create what we ask for.

All the thoughts and stories (the beliefs) that you create in your mind have feelings attached to them, so you must be sure that what you are thinking about is what you truly want in your heart. And we can only get it when we expect that it is already ours. Do this consistently and you will feel really good. You will create a calm mindset, and that’s where the magic resides.

Remember, we always create what we expect. So, think about it. Do you expect that your clients will love what you do for them? Do you know that your children and family will do well at their jobs and in life? Do you expect that you can heal yourself or your loved one? Do you expect to get that promotion, that contract, that client, or that man or woman of your dreams? What do you expect to happen in the next moment as you are thinking about “it?”

When you expect your life to be in the flow, when you expect your life to be easy and fun, you will create it just that way.

Have an absolutely magical week full of love, gratitude and fun, fun, fun!

~Mary Lynn Ziemer

If this message inspired you, please forward it to a friend, colleague, client, or family member to brighten their day as well!

Need help feeling more joy today? Contact me for a FREE initial Coaching session at (239) 444-3133. *First time clients only please

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