"Journey to Joy"
JoyBreak Audio Collections
“Journey to Joy” is a collection of inspirational, insightful, and powerful audio messages by Mary Lynn Ziemer, along with soothing music. These audio clips are a collection of messages we like to call"JoyBreaks". Each JoyBreak message is about 1-2 minutes long, so you can pause for a few minutes in your day, listen from wherever you are, and quickly get to a place of calm and joy. This collection allows you to have a convenient, downloadable file which may be listened to in full as a meditation, or just as individual "JoyBreaks" throughout your day, keeping you peaceful and motivated. Each volume contains 15-20 inspirational messages.
Click below to listen to an audio sample,
or to see a list of the audio messages included in each volume of "Journey to Joy"

Heart Meditation
Guided Audio by Mary Lynn Ziemer

You HAVE all of the answers to the questions that you seek. All of the solutions are within you, once you learn how to access them. This amazing meditation will help you do exactly that. When you go to your heart for guidance, you will experience an overwhelming sense of calm and clarity. You will know that you are making the right decisions for you, and you will feel at peace.
In this guided meditation, Mary Lynn Ziemer takes you through a beautiful process that will help you calm your mind as you tap into that immense power you hold within your heart. You'll create pathways from your heart to your mind that allow you to access your inner power and get in touch with your intuition. During this meditation, listen to the guidance you receive. It comes to you in the form of gut feelings, images, goose bumps, repetitive sounds, and other physical sensations. Or, you may see a picture in your mind, “hear” a message, have a random thought or receive ideas that may resonate with you as your own. Whatever you imagine when your mind is calm and you feel at peace, you can be assured that this is your intuition speaking to you. These are messages from the depth of your heart and soul, steering you with amazing insight.
"Powerful Simplicity"
Guided Audio by Amanda Devine

CD (mailed)
Price: $24.95
“Powerful Simplicity” is a one of a kind, enhanced meditation guided by Life Coach, Amanda Devine. It is designed to help you discover your unlimited potential and build the future of your dreams. Utilized every day, this simple, yet compelling session with powerful suggestions will relax you, make you feel energized and acutely focus on your goals while creating unwavering faith in your boundless possibility. Nothing is impossible when you feel and understand the unlimited power you possess.
The music was created by Vagner Severiano especially for this CD.
Digital Download
Price: $15.00
"The Light of Love"
Guided Audio by Amanda Devine

This meditation CD will truly transform you. The music and the meditation will create an incredible connection between YOU and your higher self (or God, Universe, Consciousness, Infinite Intelligence, Unity, Higher Power, Angels) Amazing and loving things have started to happen to me and other people when we use this meditation on a regular basis.
CD (mailed)
Price: $14.95
Digital Download
Price: $10.00
What people are saying about these meditations...
“When I listen to your new meditation, I feel power just surging through my body. The first time I listened to it, I believe I saw a spiritual guide. Thank you so much for what you do for the world!” ~Ray Higdon, Founder The Forever Wealth Club
“I love this meditation! Every time I listen to it, it takes me into a deeply peaceful, yet energetic state. Since listening, I have realized the vastness that surrounds us and that we truly are the core of it. In that space – if you ask a question, the answer appears… It’s amazing.”
Gabe Mellein
“…I felt amazing love as I was surrounded by an ocean of angels” ~Mary Lynn Ziemer, Life Coach
More about the power of meditation...
Here is a basic overview to help you understand how these meditations can have such an incredible, amazing effect on you...
Quantum physics states that everything that exists is energy. You are energy in the form of a human being, the chair you are sitting on is energy in the form of a chair…the trees, stars, sun etc. Everything around you is energy, including the air that you breathe. We are all a smaller energy field in a bigger energy field, and are literally connected to everyone and everything.That bigger energy field can be called Infinite Intelligence, God, Universe, Great Source, Higher Power, or Consciousness (as quantum physics calls it).
We are all born with amazing power, the power to feel love (kindness/compassion, appreciation, forgiveness and non-judgment). The more love we feel the more we mimic and tap into the energy of that Great Source. This is the truth of our human potential: When we lead with our hearts and feel more love than ever before, our heart intelligence tells our brain what to think. As we listen and act on the inspiration we receive from our intuition, we create what our heart desires. What we create in our lives depends on the level of awareness, the level of vibration and frequency, from which we are living.
Levels of awareness also describe the degree by which we understand the incredible power that we possess, and how that power we have works in conjunction with the Universe/Higher Power. Those levels have absolutely nothing do to with intellectual intelligence and everything to do with emotional intelligence. The more we understand, by feeling more love, the higher the level of awareness we possess as our mind becomes calm. The calmer our mind becomes, the more we make use of that awesome power that we have in creating a life that we will love.
This meditation increases the vibration and frequency of your energy by evoking the feeling of love. Calm is the highest vibration that exists and we most naturally achieve calm through love and joy (which is an inherent gift that comes from feeling love.) When you feel love, pure love, you look at everyone and everything with love and you will create magnificent things in your life.
Also, feeling love intensely allows you to experience the magnificent connection with the Higher Power/Universe on a level beyond your imagination!

"The Change"
“The Change” is more than a book. It is a tool that can help you elevate your joy to new levels. The Change explores powerful, thought-provoking insights from a variety of inspiring co-authors, including Mary Lynn Ziemer! This book will take you on a journey of self-discovery and personal change that will touch every area of your life.
You will learn how to embrace the changes ahead and prosper. Chances are this book contains EXACTLY what you need to take your life to the next level.
Price: $19.95 (Signed copy!)
More about “The Change” co-authors/publishers:
Drawing from decades of experience in the personal development industry, publishers and co-authors Jim Lutes and Jim Britt have created quite a stir by bringing together a talented group of international coaches, speakers, trainers and authors. The collaborative effort will share compelling stories of the human experience. Many are calling “The Change” the next “Chicken Soup for the Soul.” Well known names in the speaking and coaching industry are applauding this book series release.